Silver Ridge Sdn Bhd (company number 252145-U) was established in 1995, partnering with Motorola and Maxis to provide cellular network design, installation, testing and commissioning sub-contracting services. Its main areas of business are Satellite Telecommunications Services and the Provision of Internet Access Between the Client and the ISP (not owned or controlled by the ISP).
The company has overseen many 3G/4G/FTTH projects with major ISPs in Malaysia and around the region.

Silver Ridge Tangerine Bhd (company number 765034-T) was established in 2007 to focus on emerging markets and technologies, seeking to further diversify the parent group’s business interests.
Initially, the company launched a service supplying news and sports video to mobile phones, before smart-phones emerged as modern device for consuming such media. The Company lent its name to the Tangerine mobile application development service; built on Weyland-Tech’s powerful CreateApp engine, this service allows individuals/companies the chance to design and build their own smart-phone applications without the need for any coding background. The company has completed a successful digital content proof of concept with local publishing specialist Danalis, setting up several e-Learning schemes in rural areas of Malaysia.
Silver Ridge Tangerine recently signed a supply agreement with the Japanese organisation GAIA Institute of Environmental Technology Inc., providing a means of distributing a new type of waste incinerator across Malaysia and the South East Asia region. The incinerator technology operates at lower temperatures than locally produced machines, but at much higher pressure. The resulting product of the incineration process can then be used as a new fuel source, while any particle byproducts are filtered until harmless. The incinerator machines adhere to strict Japanese safety standards and can be considered highly environmental compared to conventional incinerators as a result.
For more information, please visit the SR Tangerine website.

Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd owns a controlling 70% stake in this subsidiary. 

This wholly owned subsidiary of Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd.

Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd owns a 30% stake in this subsidiary. It is currently dormant.

Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd owns a 51% stake in this subsidiary. The business activities include Business Management Consultancy Services, Provision of Telecommunication Services (Network Facility Provider) and Telecommunication Tower Management Services.